Tips for Buying Swimming Goggles
Swimmers usually use three pieces of equipment: swim suit, swim cap and swim goggles.Swimming goggles enable you to see underwater, and keep chlorinated pool water or salty ocean water out of your eyes. Swimming goggles also protect contact lenses from water and harmful debris. So what is it that you need to know or explore when buying swim goggles? Here are the top things to look for or think about.
\r\n\r\n1.Go to either a sporting goods store or specialty prescription lens goggle retailer. Wear your contact lenses to the shop if purchasing over-the-counter goggles.
\r\n2.Mirrored goggles are good for outdoor swimming because of their dark tint, but they will look terrible if they become scratched, and must be handled with greater care.
\r\n3..If possible, avoid foam. Some goggles have a foam ring around them as their seal. These seals almost never work, nor do they conform to your face well. However, this type of goggles are cheap, so if you don't mind the water leaking in, just stop there.
\r\n4..If possible, try them on. If you can, take them out of the box and try them onto your face. To do this, lift them up to your face like you would wear them. Press them against your eyes for a few seconds. Now, let go and do not touch them. Do not put on the goggle straps. These can be either adjusted to fit, or you can buy longer ones and swap them out. You are after the fit to your face, which will decide their seal. If the goggles hold to your face for at least 5 seconds, they are well-shaped for your face and will provide a good seal. While most goggles will not stay on perfectly without the strap, you should not have to tighten the strap to the point of creating dark red circles around your eyes in order to get a good seal.
\r\n5.If you have problems with your eyesight and swim frequently, you may be interested in prescription goggles. Although a little more expensive, they will enable you to see much better. It is definitely better than wearing contacts in the pool.
\r\n6..Beware of goggles where the eye- and nose-pieces are all one piece. These usually are not very good at handling the stress of everyday use and will tend to split between the nose-piece and eye-piece. They are also not adjustable, which may be a problem for children or people with unusually-shaped faces.
\r\n7.If a certain brand of goggle tends to fog up, try using anti-fog spray before turning to a different model.
\r\nGood luck. Hope this was helpful.
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