Which finger do you put your rings on?
\r\nThe ring is a jewel that no woman can resist. There is rarely a representative of the gentler gender who does not wear a ring on at least one of her fingers. The history of the ring takes root in ancient times, when a circlet of reed on a woman’s finger gave information to all males who would wish to pursue her that she is already taken.
\r\nLater on, ancient people discovered metals and began to fashion rings out of them. Eventually, some of the more creative minds began to decorate the rings with stones. Today rings are made of gold, silver or other metals and decorated with precious stones.
\r\nSome people believe that luck and material achievement can be influenced by the finger that you wear your rings on.
\r\nIf you want to change your material or financial situation and achieve career goals, wear your rings on your middle fingers.
\r\nHarmony in marriage is guaranteed if you wear your wedding band on the ring or middle finger.
\r\nThe index finger is suitable for ornaments worn by leaders or high-ranking officials.
\r\nThis finger is also good for people involved in sports, because it gives them strength and agility.
\r\nVery few people wear rings on their little fingers, but this helps with pregnancy and conception. It also increases the sex drive and mystique of the person wearing the ring. Musical and artistic ability is also enhanced by wearing a ring on your little finger.
\r\nYou are fascinated by modern, trendy stuff and enjoys being under the spotlight. Outgoing, fun and energetic, you are a person who enjoys life and is always ready to tackle something new.
\r\nYou are quitely confident and very responsible. You like to lead and can appear to be quite tough on the surface, but underneath is a gentle and sensitive character that enjoys the finer things of life.
\r\nMiddle finger
\r\nMost people who wear a ring on their middle finger refuse to grow up and tend to be self-centered and stubborn. However, they're always sincere and caring, especially towads their family and friends.
\r\nRing finger
\r\nYou are sensitive, romantic, and hope fervently to find a love that's heartwarming and everlasting.
\r\nLittle finger
\r\nYou tend to be gentle and modest. You pay attention to details and don't like making even minor mistakes in your work. People who wear a ring on their little finger are also often workaholics.
\r\nMany fingerss
\r\nPeople who wear a total of four rings or more lack self-confidence and are always on the look out for true love. They love luxuries, but find them a poor substitute for friends and a lover.
\r\nWearing no rings
\r\nWearing no rings at all suggests that you want to live a simple, no-frills life. You are sincere, trustworthy, peaceful, clever, hard-working and always want to learn new things. You tend to shy away from crowds and avoid conflict whenever you can.
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